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5/15일 아이폰 오늘만 무료 어플
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Vaporwave – 1980s Picture Arts
1980년대 그림 예술 사진 편집 앱
현재 가격: 무료 이전 가격: $0.99
평점: 4.9

심호흡 어플
현재 가격: 무료 이전 가격: $0.99
평점: 4.9


‎스트레스와 불안감을 줄여주는 심호흡 운동. 별의 소리를 들으며 나의 호흡에 집중해 보세요. 현대 사회에서 스트레스는 때와 장소를 가리지 않고 발생합니다. 답답함이 느껴질때, KipKam을 실


사진 메타데이터 제공 앱
현재 가격: 무료 이전 가격: $1.99
평가: 4


‎Metadata is an image metadata viewer for creative professionals on the go. Simply choose an image from your photo library and view the image metadata in a beautiful card based layout. Wether you shoot on your phone, DSLR or create images in your favouri


BG Color
달력넣어 잠금화면 홈화면 만들기
현재 가격: 무료 이전 가격: $2.99
평점: 3.6

‎BG Color

‎Create beautiful wallpapers by 40 types of preset color and customizable specified color. Add calendar up to 2 months available as lock screen and home screen. [Settings Screen] ●Preset Color Choose a favorite color from 40 preset colors categorized 6


Ohayo – Morning routine
현재 가격: 무료 이전 가격: $3.99
평점: 3.8

‎Ohayo - Morning routine

‎Ohayo means "Good morning" in Japanese and this is exactly what we hope this app can provide. Like most families, we have experienced how stressful it can be to make it to kindergarten or school on time. That's why we created this app. In Ohayo you’ll


Heart Rate Counter
심박수 카운터
현재 가격: 무료 이전 가격: $2.99

‎Heart Rate Counter

‎With this app, you can measure the heart rate easily. After tapping "start button", the average heart rate will be displayed in the uppermost frame by tapping "heart button" at every one beat. The heart rate about last one beat will be displayed in the


Tempo Counter
음악 템포 카운터
현재 가격: 무료 이전 가격: $2.99

‎Tempo Counter

‎When you want to fix the tempo sensibly while compose music... When you want to know the tempo of music now playing... Then with this app, you can know the tempo of music immediately. After tapping "start button", the average tempo will be displayed in


Camera Angle
카메라 앵글 방향과 각도 지원 앱
현재 가격: 무료 이전 가격: $0.99

‎Camera Angle

‎While shooting a picture, You can confirm the direction and the angle of the device at a glance. This app is available in various scenes. For example, when you want to take exactly the building by horizontal and vertical, the documents from just above,


Amanda the adventurer
생존 공포 탈출 게임
현재 가격: 무료 이전 가격: $1.99

‎Amanda the adventurer

‎One of the best horror/survival games! Collect the 10 VHS tapes needed to escape without getting caught. be careful of the monsters chasing you!


LS Player - mp3 repeater
언어 학습에 집중하도록 설계된 오디오 플레이어
현재 가격: 무료 이전 가격: $1.99

‎LS Player - mp3 repeater

‎An audio player designed for focusing on language learning. Key features: Support multiple audio formats, like MP3, M4A, AAC, etc. Insert notes by adding texts or recording a voice memo. Support A-B repeater. Support lyrics with LRC files. Support playb


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